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Published on 21-03-2022

Maritime Spatial Planning in the WEST Mediterranean


  • Programme or Providing body: EC – DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE)
  • Project title: Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning inthe Western Mediterranean Sea
  • Acronym: SIMWESTMED
  • Duration: January 2017 – December 2018
  • Project budget: Total project budget is €2,800,000; 80% of the budget funded by the EU.
  • CORILA budget:  €
  • Contect person in CORILA: 
  • Keywords: 

The Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean Region (SIMWESTMED) project brings together a range of partners – research organizations, maritime planning authorities and marine management bodies – who have extensive experience in maritime planning, policy and management .

SIMWESTMED partners address both key objectives through a variety of approaches, including: desktop literature and research; analysis of future trends; collaborative development of scenarios; practitioner / stakeholder interview; case study development; and stakeholder engagement mechanisms. Sub-themes relevant to both key objectives provide the context and scope of use for each of the methodological elements. These sub-themes include:

– Understand current and potential future needs relevant to cross-border areas and issues;

– development and testing of approaches to the involvement of stakeholders in maritime planning processes in relation to cross-border areas and issues; And,

– Examination of potential options for cross-border cooperation in preparing maritime spatial plans.

SIMWESTMED focuses on the two key objectives indicated in the DG Mare call:

support the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in the marine waters of the Member States;

Launch and implement concrete cross-border cooperation between the Member States of the Western Mediterranean region, involving four Member States and the competent authorities responsible for MIP in the selected area, the UNEP / MAP representation and the CPMR at the level of the Regions.

SIMWESTMED results are focused on the practitioner and seek to identify and share best practices on: technical, (e.g. data management), scientific (e.g. ecosystem-based management) and social (e.g. engagement processes) of stakeholders) of the MSP implementation that address obstacles to the implementation of the MSP directive and effective cross-border work cooperation for MSPs.

  • CEDEX – Study and Experimentation Centre, Spain
  • CEREMA – Expertise Centre on Risks studies, Environment, Mobility and space planning, France
  • CORILA – Consortium for coordination of research activities concerning the Venice lagoon system (Italy) ; embedding as associated partners: CNR-ISMAR National – Research Council, Institute of Marine Science (Italy), University IUAV of Venice (Italy)
  • CPRM – Conference of Peripherical Maritime Regions;
  • IEO – Oceanographic Institute (Spain);
  • FBA – French Biodiversity Agency
  • MATTM – Ministry of Environment, Protection of the Territories and the Sea (Italy);
  • MEPA – Malta Environment and Planning Authority (Malta);
  • MIT – Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (Italy);
  • Shom – French hydrographic office
  • UNEP/MAP United Nations Environmental Programme, Barcelona Convention – Secretariat, Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan, embedding: INFO/RAC and PAP/RAC.

