Published on 25-05-2023
The Innovation Ecosystems are networks of Universities, Public Research Bodies, Territorial Bodies and Companies. These ecosystems are active in areas of technological specialization consistent with industrial and territorial research missions, and promote and strengthen cooperation between research, economic players and institutions. Ecosystems add value to research results, facilitate technology transfer and digital transformation of companies and related processes, taking care of economic and environmental sustainability and social impacts. iNEST (Interconnected North-East Innovation Ecosystem), financially supported under the PNRR Programme, aims to extend the beneficial effects of digitization to the main areas of specialization of the “North-East” (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto and the Province Autonomous Region of Trento and Bolzano): industrial and manufacturing, agriculture, marine and mountain environment, architecture and construction, tourism, culture, well-being and food are the fields addressed Smart Specialization Strategies in a single and shared mission for the North-East. The iNEST Research and Innovation Program is organized according to a structure made up of 1 HUB (University of Padua) and 9 Spokes, involving all the Universities of the North-East as well as the main Research and Technology Transfer Institutions active in the area. It is formally a consortium founded by 11 research institutions, 9 of which are universities, which in turn identify the 9 Spokes, each responsible for a specific line of research. The interrelationship between individual lines and research institutions is guaranteed by a complex system of affiliations. CORILA is an affiliate partner of Spoke 4 “City, Architecture, Sustainable design”, coordinated by the IUAV University of Venice, and is leader of the RT2.3 task “Heritage, Recovery, Conservation”. The Hub is the body responsible for obtaining the final objectives of the project, each individual Spoke is responsible for carrying out the various research activities. iNEST: The iNEST work plan will manage a budget of approximately 110 million euros, financed by the PNRR, of which over 40 integrated into the “cascade” funding mechanism and the related open tenders aimed at the full involvement of companies in the innovation process. For more information: Spoke 4, led by IUAV, is dedicated to sustainable design strategies intended as care and maintenance of the built environment at all scales and in all its facets: from the territory, to the arts, from the city, to architecture, to fashion and industrial design, in an area characterized by significant environmental, geological and seismic risks, which will be exacerbated by climate change in the coming years. The necessary process of adaptation to environmental challenges and the maintenance and evolution of the building stock dictated by the energy transition will increasingly characterize the construction market, making this area a large, widespread construction site. In particular, task RT2.3, coordinated by CORILA, will provide support to intervention processes aimed at responding in a standardized but also specific way to the different architectural and urban typologies of the historical-architectural heritage of the North East, with a particular focus on the city history of Venice. Venice has been and still is a place of analysis and methodological elaboration of architecture and urban development studies, a focal point of debate and research on restoration, experimentation and development of protection and conservation techniques and procedures. For these reasons, the city constitutes an ideal laboratory in which to develop studies and experiences that are also valid for most of the settlements in the Italian, European or Mediterranean coastal regions. The project expects the identification and experimentation, through an integrated approach, of solutions, even revolutionary, for a rapid and profound improvement of the functional, performance and environmental transformation interventions of existing real estate infrastructures, and the promotion and implementation of the most advanced practices of restructuring, densification and modification of the real estate assets, involving innovators and the traditional supply chain and starting a “movement for change” in the sector. This will also be implemented through: Founders: Università degli Studi di Padova – UNIPD Università degli Studi di Udine – UNIUD Università degli Studi di Verona – UNIVR Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – UNIVE Università IUAV di Venezia – IUAV Università degli Studi di Trento – UNITN Libera Università di Bolzano – UNIBZ Università degli Studi di Trieste – UNITS Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati – SISSA Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS Affiliates: Autorità di Sistema Portuale Adriatico Orientale – PNAEAS Consorzio per il coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia – CORILA Covision Lab CRESME EURAC research Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK Fondazione Ca’ Foscari – FCF Fondazione Edmund Mach – FEM Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino – HIT Friuli Innovazione Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico Andrea Galvani – PTAA SMACT T2i-trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione – T2i Development of synergies between the vocations of the territory, through the use of digital technologies and the ecological transition.
iNEST – Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem – PNRR 2022-2025