Published on 14-03-2022
DANUBIUS-PP is a three-year project to bring DANUBIUS-RI (International Center for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems) to the technical, legal and financial maturity necessary for its effective implementation and future development. DANUBIUS-RI is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure (RI) built on existing expertise to support interdisciplinary research on river-sea (RS) systems, ranging from environmental, social and economic sciences. It will provide access to a range of RS systems, facilities and expertise, in a “one-stop shop” for knowledge exchange, access to harmonized data, and a platform for interdisciplinary research, education and training. In March 2016 the DANUBIUS-RI project became part of the ESFRI Roadmap ( and was recognized in the panorama of existing research infrastructures as “the only research infrastructure devoted to support research on transitional zones between coastal marine and freshwater areas”. DANUBIUS-RI’s Mission is to facilitate excellent science on the continuum from river source to sea; to offer state-of-the art research infrastructure; and to provide the integrated knowledge required to sustainably manage and protect River-Sea Systems. DANUBIUS-RI’s Vision is to achieve healthy River-Sea Systems and advance their sustainable use, in order to live within the planet’s ecological limits by 2050. DANUBIUS-PP brought together key stakeholders at different levels, strengthening the consortium through a process of broad engagement. Individual work packages have refined, among other things, the scientific and innovation agenda, the legal framework, governance, management and policies for accessing and managing data. RI’s financial needs will also be calculated. Danubius-PP’s key achievements include the development of legal and financial agreements between RI members (including Hubs, Nodes and Supersites), their governance and internal organization, which will be confirmed through a Memorandum of Understanding. This preparatory phase project will develop the structures and processes to ensure that RI strengthens scientific performance, providing a sustainable foundation for its future functioning, providing essential services for diverse communities of users. DANUBIUS-RI is applying for designation as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) Lead Partner: Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Geologie Si Geoecologie Marina-Geoecomar (Geoecomar), Romania xxx DANUBIUS-PP – Horizon 2020