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Climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention

AcquaGuard – Interreg Italy-Croatia 2024-2026

  • Programme or Providing body: Interreg Italy-Croatia
  • Acronym: AcquaGuard
  • Project title : Nature-based solution for flood prevention
  • Duration: 01/02/2024-31/07/2026
  • Project budget: 2.213.505,00 €
  • CORILA budget: 375.650 €
  • Conract person in CORILA:
  • Keywords: Flood prevention, Nature-Based Solutions, Veneto Region, Karlovac County, Climate Change

The AcquaGuard project will promote climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention, and resilience, considering ecosystem and nature – based solutions. The project aims to build up the capacities of local and regional governments in Italy and Croatia to systematically plan, integrate and implement nature-based solutions for combating climate risks and hazards specifically flooding. The project will build on the outputs and learnings from the STREAM project.

  • Develop a climate risk database relevant to the project as well as the specific risk databases for the two project regions;
  • Develop a database of nature-based solutions to combat, primarily, flood risks;
  • Develop and implement a decision support matrix f or the prioritization of actions for risk and hazard mitigation;
  • Co-create prioritization strategies for flooding risk mitigation far the project regions;
  • Develop studies and technical documentation for key measures and projects identified in the prioritization strategies;
  • Prepare the ground f or the deployment of the selected measures and project by integrating them in key strategies and planning documents on the local and regional levels;
  • ldentify potential funding and financing sources for the realization of the identified measures and projects;
  • Build capacity with the local and regional governments in the aspects of climate change adaptation and resilience, development of climate risk profiles and climate risk mitigation prioritization strategies;
  • Engage and raise the awareness of all key stakeholders at the local, regional, and national levels;
  • Ensure the long-term exploitation of the project outputs and setup the long-term monitoring of its results.

The cooperation of different regions from different member states facing similar issues and challenges will empower the consortium to deliver meaningful change in terms of policy governing the need to combat the identified risks and hazards on all levels. The proposed approach which relies on the utilization of nature-based solutions for the combating of flood risks as well as builds on the results of previous actions funded under the Italy-Croatia Interreg programme provides a novel set of solutions with significant potential for synergies. The reliance on nature-based solutions as opposed to conventional construction, will provide additional benefits in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as biodiversity. Besides this, the proposed approach addresses the entire solution chain from the initial planning to the integration with strategic and spatial plans and the development of technical documentation to the identification of finances and future monitoring.

  1. Public institution Regional Development agency of Karlovac County (JURRA)
  2. North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (REGEA)
  3. Karlovac County (KAZUP)
  4. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC)
  5. Consortium for coordination of research activities concerning the Venice lagoon system (CORILA)
  6. Interregional Superintendency for Public Works Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia (PROVV.OO.PP)
