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Author: Enrico Rinaldi

Acquaguard project – Launch event

Published on 18-12-2024 On November 13, 2024, the partners of the AcquaGuard project (CORILA, the Interregional Authority for Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and the CMCC Foundation) organized the launch event in Venice. The project, part of the Interreg Italy-Croatia 2021-2027 program, aims to prevent

BRIGANTINE Project – Interreg Italy-Croatia

We are excited to announce that the BRIGANTINE project, in which CORILA participates as leader of WP4 “Science in action: Studies for new product application and coastal and marine monitoring systems”, officially started on April 1st! BRIGANTINE was presented for the first time at the

Resilient Cultural Heritage: intervista al Direttore di CORILA

Ordine ​​Ingegneri ​Città Metropolitana di ​Venezia Intervista al Direttore di CORILA ing. Pierpaolo Campostrini, che sarà moderatore della Conferenza Internazionale PROTEGGERE IL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE DALL’INNALZAMENTO DEL MARE. organizzata dalla Fondazione Venezia Capitale Mondiale della Sostenibilità, che si terrà a VENEZIA, 8 NOVEMBRE, FONDAZIONE CINI. Link

REST-COAST Annual Meeting

Paving the way towards sustainable river to sea coastal restoration: REST-COAST Annual Meeting REST-COAST is glad to share that, organised and hosted by Grzegorz Rozynski of Institute of Hydraulic Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN),  this year’s project Annual Meeting is taking place between 18

Conclusion of the FRAMESPORT Project

The FRAMESPORT project formally ended the past June 30th. Many are the activities and initiatives carried out by the Italian-Croatian partnership during these three years and many are the experiences and relationships established that we will cherish for future projects. A concise but at the

Launch of POSEIDONE, Italy – Slovenia strategic project. KOM 12-06-2023

POSEIDONE - Promotion Of green SEa Infrastructure Devoted tO a New Environment  Promotion of green and blue infrastructure dedicated to a new environment CORILA announces the launch of the next Strategic Italy – Slovenia project  The POSEIDONE Kick-off Meeting, an Interreg Italia Slovenia 2021/27 strategic project, will be held in Venice on Monday