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Published on 16-06-2021

INVESTMENTS in scientific societies and associations

Italian scientific society on the lagoons

LAGUNET is a non-profit association and its purpose is to promote the study of transitional aquatic environments, ie lagoons, coastal wetlands and river mouths. To this end, it is proposed to promote, encourage and organize:

  • study and research initiatives concerning transitional aquatic environments, i.e. lagoons, coastal wetlands and river mouths, in connection with the relative hydrographic basins and the coastal marine areas in front, also through the comparison and cooperation between researchers and with the persons in charge of managing these environments;
  • the circulation of scientific information among members and between similar national and foreign associations;
  • the meeting between the world of research, that of technology and the professions, administrations and all the competent authorities, to ensure that the knowledge acquired is made available and used for managerial choices and in the executive phases;
  • the consolidation of awareness in the scientific world and in the competent administrations of the specificity of the ecology of transitional aquatic environments and of the related management problems;
  • initiatives and activities aimed at raising public awareness on the importance of lagoons, coastal wetlands and river mouths, as well as on the related research activities and their needs, and in general to promote the dissemination of knowledge and information in this regard ;
  • congresses, conventions, conferences, seminars, debates, round tables and the like;
  • training and updating with courses, scholarships and the like;
  • the dissemination of studies and information concerning the association’s areas of interest.

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European Federation of Lagoon Research

Mediterranean Lagoon Federation (EuroMedLag) is a non-profit organization that aims to spread and promote ecological culture. In particular, its aim is to facilitate cooperation between the members of the research networks on lagoon ecosystems in Europe and the Mediterranean to promote basic and applied knowledge on lagoons and estuaries through the most suitable means.

What do we do

  • Activate forums for affective communication through all scientific communities that share the same interest in European lagoons;
  • Spreading the ecological culture on lagoon and estuarine ecosystems through meetings, conferences, scientific publications and other suitable means;
  • Provide skills and offer advice in relations with Euro-Mediterranean institutions;
  • Cooperate with other international organizations.

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European e-Science and Technology infrastructure for research on biodiversity and ecosystems

Italy is one of the founding states of LifeWatch ERIC, the Consortium for a European infrastructure of e-Science and Technology for research on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Italy is a biodiversity hotspot and this issue occupies a fundamental position in national environmental policies. Our country plays a key role in the construction of LifeWatch, the European research infrastructure on biodiversity.

The commitment of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and the National Research Council (CNR) has resulted in the creation of the Joint Research Unit (JRU) of LifeWatch Italia.

The JRU coordinates the Italian contribution to LifeWatch, the national activities of its Service Center and the National Distributed Institute of Research on Biodiversity of LifeWatch-ITA. These include the activities of specific Working Groups responsible for ICT, Modeling, Citizen Science and specific Study cases

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European distributed research infrastructure for studies on river-sea systems

DANUBIUS-RI, the International Center for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems, is an environmental research infrastructure deployed on the roadmap of the European Strategic Research Infrastructure Forum (ESFRI). DANUBIUS-RI’s vision is to achieve healthy river-sea systems and advance their sustainable use. DANUBIUS-RI’s mission is to offer state-of-the-art integrated research infrastructures from the source of the river to the sea; to facilitate excellent interdisciplinary science and to provide the integrated knowledge needed to manage and protect river-sea systems. DANUBIUS-RI will provide services that include: remote and in situ observation systems (including ships), experimental facilities, laboratories, modeling tools and resources for the exchange of knowledge along freshwater and sea water continents across Europe, from source of the river to the sea.

For more informations:

Read here the brochure of DANUBIUS.

European Centre for Living Technology

Founded in 2004, the European Center for Living Technology (ECLT) is an international and interdisciplinary research center established as an inter-university consortium, which currently involves 16 European and non-European institutional affiliates. The Center is dedicated to the study of “artificial life” simulation technologies, including self-organization, adaptability and the ability to evolve.

Currently there are several Research Units that include Artificial Intelligence, Science of Complexity and Data Analysis, Arts and Complexity, Bioinspired Design, Neuroscience.

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Venetian District for Research and Innovation

The District was born from a meeting between research centers and Venetian cultural organizations which took place in 2011, when they met together to celebrate UNESCO World Science Day. The occasion was crucial to start a process of urban regeneration capable of building a new community based on research and innovation.

In 2014, 16 Venetian entities decided to set up an association that would make their common presence on the territory public, stable and universal.

The principles that inspire the DVRI affirm the common mission of pursuing excellence in scientific research and promoting a climate of effective collaboration that gives substance to the 33 art. of the Italian constitution and the principle of free circulation of ideas and people.

On the occasion of the World Science Day celebrated under the auspices of UNESCO (UNESCO World Science Day – 10 November 2011), the Universities and Research Bodies of Venice reaffirmed their common mission to pursue excellence in scientific research, by signing the Venice Declaration for Collaboration in Research

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Transportation Cluster

The Association has obtained recognition from MIUR as a reference for the sector of means and systems for land and sea surface mobility. The same ministry has decided to use the National Technological Clusters (CTN) as a reference for the realization of the National Research Program (PNR) and of the national positions linked to the new EU programming, in particular in relation to the Structural Funds and Horizon Europe, the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2021-2027.

Thanks to the Next Generation EU and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the development of the freight transport and passenger mobility sector has the opportunity to achieve a real revolution in the name of digitization and ecological transition.

Wet Area Contract for the Northern Lagoon of Venice

The Wet Area Contract for the Northern Lagoon of Venice is a participatory governance process that intends to involve all the institutional, economic and civil society actors active in this area.

The Wet Area Contract is a voluntary act of commitment shared by various public and private entities, interested in various capacities in the northern lagoon of Venice and the territory connected to it, aimed at finding ways to pursue landscape-environmental redevelopment and regeneration objectives. socio-economic of the territorial system. In particular, the Contract aims to combine the management of water, hydro-morphological risks and local development in an integrated, collaborative and sustainable way.

This governance path is configured as an opportunity to support local policies in a logic of greater integration, to optimize public and private investments in a synergistic and collaborative way and to attract new resources functional to a better environmental and socio-economic management of the lagoon system. and the territories connected to it.

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LTER-Italia Net

The Italian Network for Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER-Italy) is a network of terrestrial, freshwater, transitional and marine water sites, on which ecological research is conducted on a multi-decade scale.

LTER-Italia is one of the 26 national networks of the European LTER Network, which hosts over 400 research sites; it also belongs to the International LTER Network, distributed in more than 40 countries on 5 continents, born and guided by the need for collaboration, sharing and integration of ecological information from the local to the global scale to understand and manage the environment and responses to changes .

The objectives of the LTER Network are:

  • promote collaboration and coordination between experts in long-term ecosystem research networks at local, national, European and global scales;
  • improve the comparability of long-term ecological data relating to sites managed by Italian researchers and encourage the preservation and exchange of such data;
  • make scientifically based information and predictive knowledge of ecological and socio-economic processes available to scientists, administrators and the public, which also meet the needs of those who have to make management decisions at a political level;
  • suggest possible solutions to current and future environmental problems at local, national, European and global scales;
    facilitate the scientific training of the next generation of scientists in the field of long-term research.

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